What’s it like getting married in March in Provence? We tell you more in this article


Getting married in March in Provence

When D called me, he explained that 18 March was in fact the birthday of his partner of 27 years. More than two decades later, after raising two beautiful adult daughters together, they had decided to surprise their friends. Under the guise of an invitation to his sweetheart’s half-century celebrations, the guests would discover on arrival that they were actually there to witness the union of their friends. So somewhere along the line, the date was set by the beautiful S’s birthday. As for the year, well, their wedding will be in 2024! I loved the concept and went along to help them prepare for their wedding. This was the first of our 2024 wedding season, which began on 17 March in the heart of Provence.


A warm setting for a wedding that was meant to be a surprise and a small one

In the end, more than 80 people attended this small wedding, which was only supposed to be attended by around thirty people… It’s true that, after 27 years together, a lot of people have become close! What’s more, their happiness at getting married was too great for them to keep to themselves and they shared the news with their family and friends. This also gave them the opportunity to perform the civil wedding ceremony with a small group in the morning before coming to the château for the secular ceremony.

Admittedly, the leaves on the plane trees were still very small. However, the couple were still able to enjoy an aperitif outside and continue the festivities inside the château until the early hours of the morning. At that point, some of the guests were able to rest in the château’s bedrooms and everyone was able to continue the festivities with a brunch the next day.



My memories of this wedding in March

There were two moments at this wedding that really moved me. Firstly, of course, it was seeing these two beautiful young women who were our lovers‘ daughters speak during their parents’ wedding ceremony. There really was as much love as there was certainty and strength in their messages.

Finally, the Bride’s dad. Indeed, before leaving the accommodation to go to brunch, he showed me the beautiful bouquet he had ordered for his daughter. And when he said to me ‘and yes, because it’s her wedding, but it’s also her birthday’, referring to his daughter’s fiftieth birthday. In his voice and in his eyes, I saw that for this man, even at 50, this beautiful 50-year-old woman was still the little girl he would cherish for the rest of his life. It was so beautiful and powerful….

Thank you to Aurélie Ungaro for her superb photos.